When American karate practitioners became frustrated with strict controls on martial arts competitions that didn't allow full contact kicks and punches they started Kickboxing. Many questions
were raised when the sport began about the high risk of injury. As a result, safety rules were improved and protective gear was added. As this is a relatively new sport there are no long-term traditions. The sport has
undergone changes and been refined during the last two decades. Kickboxing uses both kicks and punches. Focus mitts, shadow boxing, and sparring techniques that are learned and applied under professional instruction.
Fundamentals on the speed bag and the double end bag as well as the benefits of heavy bag workout help to improve coordination and better reflexes.
Rockys Dojo Kickboxing Classes
Rocky’s Dojo offers kickboxing classes for women, men, and youth. Our classes are co-ed and for 1-hour. We teach our students self-defense, striking with punches and kicks and multiple types of bags to teach strength
and striking control. All our students build self-confidence and learn to remain calm under pressure. We train in a safe, fun, and controlled environment that is suitable for all skill levels and all ages.
Learn self-defense through flexibility, coordination, conditioning, and discipline. Basic punches, blocks and kicks will be taught at each.
We are not a cardio-kickboxing class. You learn how to kickbox and not just punch a couple of bags. There is cardio in all aspects of classes but it’s not the main emphasis. We teach kickboxing and incorporate cardio
into the workout in every class for conditioning purposes. The emphasis is on the technique used if you ever need to use this for self-defense. Since our kickboxing classes are for both beginner and advanced levels, each
member can work out at their own pace.
What you will Experience in Each Kickboxing class
Working on jumping rope to start the class to get the blood circulating and then continuing into a full body flexibility workout. Then working on drills; kicking, punching, etc. We then move over to bags. Heavy bag work
and hand-held pads are used to perfect hitting targets and the distance of kicks and punches. We then go downstairs to boxing ring area. A wide variety of bags are used in drills and sparring is done in the 20X20 foot
professional boxing ring.
Kickboxing class instruction covers how to stand, how to defend against an actual attack or immediate threat using:
-Blocks, Strikes & Kicks
-Fighting Combos & Fighting Strategy
The Results
Our classes promise to bring an overall increase to your fitness level while having fun learning the techniques of kickboxing. You will learn how to effectively protect yourself with strategies that work in real life
Whether you've been training for years or you're just getting started, our co-ed kickboxing classes can help you find success in self-defense situations, while getting in a great workout at the same time
Some members have seen results from an increase in strength and endurance, to the loss of weight, to an overall increase in confidence. As with all of our programs at Rocky’s, the main difference between this fitness
program and others is simply the people involved! You will be surrounded by people, just like you, with a passion to achieve a healthier lifestyle.
For more kickboxing information and pricing click here. |